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Mitt Romney And Rudy Giuliani Talk Bin Laden In New York
Mitt Romney and Rudolph Giuliani speaking at a Lower Manhattan fire station
Rudy Giuliani Reacts to Bin Laden's Death
Rudy Giuliani Speaks to Osama bin Laden Bill Maher
Romney: 'of course' I would've ordered the bin Laden raid
Giuliani: Romney Has to Lay Out Plan for Economy
Mitt Romney "of course" would've killed Osama bin Laden (April 30, 2012)
Mitt Romney: I 'respect and admire' Pres. Obama for taking out bin Laden
President Obama: 'Take A Look' At Mitt Romney's Bin Laden Quotes
Romney: OBL death shouldn't be campaign issue
Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani Press Availability
Osama Bin Laden Is Dead - Credit President Obama